How to assay the Windows dejected awning error

The a lot of annoying affair is if you use Windows abrupt al of a sudden windows dejected awning absurdity and admonishing uncul harder for you to understand, but actuality you do not charge to agitation about it the afterward way to assay the Windows dejected awning errors.

You will not be agitated on an busy way to photoscape acquisition out what happens to your windows, artlessly with the aid of the afterward software WhoCrashed, is a simple appliance that tells you why the blow occurred, acceptance you to boldness the issue.

Most of this absurdity is acquired by a missing, damaged or adverse accouterments drivers for your computer that created the botheration in the accuracy of the Windows operating system. Because the bearings is critical, Windows can not affectation abundant advice about errors that could cause accept to be bent if the computer has been rebooted.

To abetment in the analysis, if seeing an error like ajax functions , a archetype of Windows all the files abide in the anamnesis into a binder alleged blast dump '(or mini dump). Here's what WhoCrashed analysis.

WhoCrashed chargeless and simple to use. This requires ambassador rights, and with one bang on the Assay button to assay the blast dump book and displays the results.

If you do not accept blast depression on your computer and you will still acquaintance a arrangement crash, it aswell can accommodate clues about the aforementioned reason. For example, the blast could be acquired by the CPU overheating or abortion in your ability supply.

Download actuality WhoCrashed is a advantageous apparatus to assay your PC is not abiding and can be acclimated to assay blast depression to acquisition flaws in your PC. (Tutorial ilmu pengetauan)

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